Advancements in Targeted Cancer Therapies: A Review of Recent Medical Research


  • Dr. Sanjay Singh Psychiatrist at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru



Targeted cancer therapies, Molecular mechanism, Small molecule inhibitors, Monoclonal antibodies, Immune checkpoint inhibitors


In recent years, targeted cancer therapies have emerged as a promising approach to combat various malignancies with greater precision and fewer adverse effects compared to traditional chemotherapy. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in targeted cancer therapies, focusing on key developments in the field. we discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer progression and the rationale behind targeted therapies, emphasizing the importance of understanding tumor-specific genetic alterations and signaling pathways. Next, we highlight recent breakthroughs in the development of targeted agents, including small molecule inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, and immune checkpoint inhibitors, that selectively target aberrant proteins or pathways driving tumorigenesis. We examine innovative strategies to overcome resistance to targeted therapies, such as combination therapies, adaptive treatment approaches, and personalized medicine strategies based on genomic profiling. We also discuss the challenges associated with targeted cancer therapies, including drug toxicity, tumor heterogeneity, and the emergence of resistance mechanisms. We explore emerging technologies and future directions in the field, such as the use of liquid biopsies for non-invasive monitoring of treatment response, the development of novel drug delivery systems, and the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for predictive modeling and precision oncology. Overall, this review highlights the transformative potential of targeted cancer therapies and underscores the importance of continued research efforts to improve patient outcomes and advance the field of oncology.


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DOI: 10.36676/ssjmra.v1.i3.19
Published: 30-09-2024

How to Cite

Singh, S. (2024). Advancements in Targeted Cancer Therapies: A Review of Recent Medical Research. Shodh Sagar Journal for Medical Research Advancement, 1(3), 1–5.



Original Research Article
