The Effects of Long-Term Opioid Use on Pain Management and Addiction




Opioid use, Long-term use, Pain management, Addiction, Tolerance


The use of opioids to treat pain has recently become a hot topic in medicine, and there are many complicated issues related to patterns of long-term use. both the complicated effects of opiate usage on pain management and addiction. The purpose of this comprehensive literature analysis was to synthesise the findings of the prior studies conducted on the topic. Over time, opioid use increases tolerance, diminishes the drug's efficacy in pain therapy, and raises the risk of addiction. Factors such as patient characteristics, dose, and duration of treatment are crucial when analysing individual outcomes. In order to manage chronic pain holistically, this study's results highlight the importance of non-opioid medications, physical therapy, and psychosocial therapies. The study further emphasises the need of exploring different methods for pain treatment. It highlights the significance of healthcare providers closely watching patients on long-term opioid prescription, constantly checking pain levels, and thinking about stopping or reducing therapy when it's time.


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DOI: 10.36676/ssjmra.v1.i1.05
Published: 15-03-2024

How to Cite

Garg, A. (2024). The Effects of Long-Term Opioid Use on Pain Management and Addiction. Shodh Sagar Journal for Medical Research Advancement, 1(1), 38–44.



Original Research Article
