Telemedicine: Transforming Healthcare Delivery in a Digital Age




Telemedicine, Healthcare delivery, Digital age, Remote healthcare, Telehealth, Telemedicine evolution


The field of telemedicine, which refers to the practise of providing medical treatments to patients remotely through the use of technology, has emerged as an influential force in the contemporary medical environment. the development, advantages, and difficulties of telemedicine, as well as its profound influence on the delivery of medical care in the modern digital age. Significant progress has been made in medical care as a direct result of the digital revolution, which has made it possible to address issues that have persisted for a very long time. Connecting healthcare practitioners and patients through the use of digital tools and telecommunications networks is the goal of telemedicine. This makes it possible to give medical services to patients located in different geographic locations. This strategy not only increases patients' access to care but also the quality, economy, and timeliness with which they receive medical treatment. From simple telephonic consultations, telemedicine has progressed to more advanced platforms that include video conferencing, remote monitoring, and electronic health data. This development has been particularly obvious as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is where telemedicine played a vital role in providing continuity of care while also limiting the danger of viral transmission.


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DOI: 10.36676/ssjmra.v1.i1.09
Published: 15-03-2024

How to Cite

Singla, A., & Meenu. (2024). Telemedicine: Transforming Healthcare Delivery in a Digital Age. Shodh Sagar Journal for Medical Research Advancement, 1(1), 71–79.



Original Research Article
